Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11th photo info

1.The phootgrapher says when he shoot pictures at 12 noon makes his humans look like racoons.

2.From 7-8:30am and 5-6:30.

3.Light is directional and that provides interesting side lighting that can emphasize shape and texture,in addition to casting long,interesting shadows of your subjects.
Light has a more warmer and more attractive colour than midday sun.(thus the name'golden hour)

Light quality is sofer and produces highlights and shadows that your camera can deal with more easily the extremely contrasty light produced by the high midday.

4.The strong clouds cover that dat would constantly block and diffuse the warm evening sun.

5.The photos are differnt because one photo is dual and is not as intersting as the second photo. The second photo is taken perfect it has all the right angels ad it has more detail.

6.Its important because they have to know what their looking at in order to understand it.

7.I feel it should be changed because they want to see new designs and new features.

8.The less the pictures the better they are.

9.I feel you should never think your better then anybody because theres alwy ssomebody ut there better.

10.The golden ratio is a commn ratio discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci and found throught nature,architecuture,and art.

11.The ratio is believed to make things apealing to the human eye.

Daily Response March 11

1.I see alot of gras and six men that looks like their shooting out in a big open field.

2.I see a line through the grass and a clear blue sky with alot of bg pretty green trees.

3.Practice,fire,explode,blast,and pull the trigger

4.I think the meaning of this image is to teach the people in this pictre how to shoot guns.

5.simplicity and actual

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

dailey image 3/2/11

1.I see a women painting the porch that looks like water but its not.she look loney and lie she dont know what to do with her self.I also see 3 birds and clouds.

2.Blue,Gray ,White,and Black.

3.Down,Alone,No one to talk to,Lost,And Dual.

4.i thnk the meaning of this image is she has no one to turn to at times she feel lonely.

5.This photo use simplicity and implied lines.